Updated Alert  on Travel Restrictions

Location:  Guyana 

Event:  The U.S. Embassy continues to monitor the current situation in Guyana with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We are aware of the hardship land and airspace border closures have created for U.S. citizens who need to return to the United States after Guyana closed its airspace to commercial flights on March 18th. The closure has been  extended twice and is set to expire on June 3rd.  To date we have requested special permission from the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority to operate service for six commercial relief flights to transport Americans and their families’ home.  However we have no immediate plans to initiate further relief flight requests at this time. Any U.S. citizen currently in Guyana should continue to shelter in place until further notice. However if you wish to express interest in any future relief flight should one become available, please complete this online form (copy hyperlink and open in Chrome browser). 

The Embassy will continue to post updated health, security and travel information through this travel alert system and on the U.S. Embassy Facebook page, as soon as we have further updates.   

 You can reach us at the email box: acsgeorge@state.gov to request assistance with emergency passports or at guyanaevac@state.gov if you have special financial concerns with the cost of repatriation. 

The U.S. Embassy in Guyana regularly updates the COVID-19 country specific information sheet you can find here.  

 The ongoing COVID-19 outbreak is having significant impact on travel around the globe. The World Health Organization has reported seven coronavirus cases in Guyana to date. See the Guyana Ministry of Health guidance for additional information on the latest measures in Guyana. 

 Actions to Take: 

  • Consult the CDC website for the most up-to-date information.
  • For the most recent information on what you can do to reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19 please see the CDC’s latest recommendations.
  • Visit the COVID-19 crisis page on travel.state.gov for the latest information.
  • Check with your airlines or cruise lines regarding any updated information about your travel plans and/or restrictions.
  • Stay at home if you are experiencing symptoms or believe you have been exposed to the virus and contact the Guyana Ministry of Health at 227-4986/624-3067.
  • Visit the Department of Homeland Security’s website on the latest travel restrictions to the United States. 
